Notes & maps on some walks in and around Canberra. The walks vary from 10 to 30km. All are undertaken at an easy pace. Wednesday is my usual walk day. To join in send an email.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Wallaroo circuit.

Walk name & number:Wallaroo Circuit 9km
Brief description:
Geology & landscape:
Date,day & time: Sunday 28 March 2010 @ 0730
Weather: Mild, overcast
Walk map: NSW 25K topo map
Start location:
Start location: km of Canberra City.
Map Grid ref:
GPS: UTM Zone 55H E, N

Locality map:
Regular Sunday walk. Really focused on pacemaking and made the 6km mark [Southwell x Wallaroo]in under 1 hour. Very pleased because I was only out of hospital on Wednesday. Leisurely stroll to complete the circuit.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Wallaroo circuit #16

Walk name & number:Wallaroo #16
Brief description: A 9km circuit along Gooromon Ponds Road, Southwell Road and then Wallaroo Road.
Geology & landscape:Deakin volcanics & Laidlaw volcanics 420MY
Date,day & time: Sunday 07 MAR 10 07:00
Weather: Fine
Walk map: NSW 25K topo map Hall
Start location:Corner Gooromon Ponds Road & Wallaroo Road.
Start location: 16 km NW of Canberra City.
Map Grid ref: 849069
GPS: UTM Zone 55H E, N

Locality map:
Walklog:This walk is included in the blog even though it is of a quite different nature to all other walks. It is a walk I try to do EVERY Sunday morning. I must have done it 30 times now, and never get bored with it. I usually walk alone. Just a short drive from home in the rural setting of Wallaroo, across the border in NSW. The circuit, roughly triangular in shape, splits very easily into three legs. First the sealed Gooromon Ponds Road, then the mostly unsealed Southwell Road and finally back along the sealed Wallaroo Road. Vehicular traffic is at a low level. There are panoramic vistas across north Canberra to the Brindabellas. The sky and light are always changing. I have walked in heatwaves and in hail storms. The properties along the way are mainly the classic 16ha block, long & narrow and with access to the road. There are sheep, goats, cattle & horses. A riding school & restaurant are along Gooromon Ponds Road. There are a few vinyards & olive groves and the Hall district wineries are nearby. The towers and guilded domes of the St Sava Free Serbian Orthodox Monastery on Wallaroo Road are visible from nearly every part of the circuit. The sound of its bells ringing to call the faithful are divine. I reflect in reverence at the small graveyard in the monastery grounds.
This walk is both a relaxation and a workout; I regularly pace myself by the uniform time method. From the fixed start I see how far I get in the course of exactly one hour. Timing and progress is aided by numerous reference points; especially useful are the yellow roadside markers every 1000m.
So, my average roll-along all day pace is 5km/h,but today for example I turned up the gear one notch and turned out 6km/h pace.
There is a big big difference between walking at 5km/h [pedestrian] and 6km/h [strident]!!
5km gets me to the gates of the property Arcturus, 6km gets me to the T-junction at Wallaroo x Southwell.
So depending on my mood these walks can vary a lot. I just love the changing landscape of the seasons. I invariably carry a litter bag and so make my contribution to cleaning up trash.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Walk 15 Nanima Road

Walk name & number: Walk 15_Nanima Road, Hall
Brief description: 27km out & back along Nanima Road.
Geology & landscape: Varied, mainly open farming country. Mt Painter volcanics, Mt Ainslie volcanics, Canberra Formation and Pittman formation. 420-460MY. All included in the Nanima Goldfield proclaimed in 1872.
Day & date: Wednesday 17 FEB 2010
Start time: 0700
Weather: Fine sunny warm 25C
Walk map: NSW 25K topo map Bedulluck 8727-4N
Start: Cnr Barton Highway & Nanima Road [NR].
Start location: 19km NNW of Canberra City.
Map Grid ref: 864114
GPS: UTM Zone 55H 686400E, 6111430N 600m
Locality map:

Nanima Road -
Walklog: Regular walk companion Reg Sewrey out of circulation at the moment. A pleasant walk on a beautiful day after good rain. Green tinge to paddocks. Nanima Road used to be Bedulluck Road. It runs right through the civil parish of Bedulluck. It connects the Barton Highway to the Murrumbateman Road. It is sealed and carries some fast traffic in the peak hour. Best to walk after 0930. Roadside verges are narrow in places. Litter bad. Landscape dominated by Mount Spring [890m].
Interestingly named "Luxor" property at 364NR at the foot of the hill. Also a name of interest is the nearby Ahchow Hill [775m]GR873143. A Chinese name from the goldfield days perhaps!!??
Poachers Pantry restaurant & Wily Trout Winery at 431NR. Hang gliding site at 520NR.Redbrow Garden Bed & Breakfast at 1143NR. Unclear whether the B & B is still operating. Hewatt Earthmoving company have their base along this road; so there are some big vehicles on the move!! Coots Creek bridge on Murrumbateman Road is under repair [total rebuild!!].
Nanima Road ends at T-junction with Murrumbateman Road. From T-junction: Goto start = 13.2km; odo=12.7km; est 13.5km.
Sweeping views to Mt Stromlo & Brindabellas on return leg.
I am finding that two 'heavy duty' AA batteries are drained over the course of just 6 hours using the Magellan GPS.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Walk 14: The Forest Road, Bywong

Walk name The Forest Road & number 14:
Brief description:Out & back along The Forest Road
Geology: Pittman Formation shales. [460MY]
Day & date: Wednesday 03 FEB 10
Start time: 0800
Walking time:
Weather:Warm, windy 27C
Sun: Rise ,transit , set .
Walk map: NSW 25K topo Sutton 8727-1S
Start:Corner of The Forest Road & Bede Road, Bywong
Start location: 25km ENE of Canberra City.
Grid ref:{181997}
GPS UTM Zone 55H: 718086E,6099739N
Locality map:
The Forest Road -
Walklog: An easy walk along The Forest Road,which becomes gravel as it passes under the 330kV power transmission lines. At {173017} the public road ends at a turning circle. With the permission of one of the local landholders I continued through an open gate and along the private gravel road up and over a steep hill, property name 'Wombat Hill'. Extensive views of Lake George at this high point. Contiued north to the gates of property 414 The Forest Road {175029}. Gate open but marked 'Private Property' and a Wildlife Refuge. Turned at this point,3.2km straight line and 3.8km odometer from the start. The road would appear to continue north past Smalley Hill and towards Purrorumba Hill.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Walk 13: Lake Road, Bywong, Bungendore

Walk name & number:Lake Road, Bungendore #13
Brief description: Out & back walk along Lake Road.
Day & date: Wednesday 21 JAN 10
Start time: 0800
Walking time: 4h+
Walk distance: 21km return
Weather: Sunny, warm 30C
Sun: Rise 0610,transit 1315,set 2020.
Walk map: NSW topographic map 1:25000 Sutton 8727-1S
Start: Corner of Lake Road & Bungendore Road.

Mail boxes at the start of Lake Road.
Start location: 26 km ENE of Canberra City.
Start Grid ref: 194983
Start GPS: UTM Zone 55 719360E, 6098329N
Locality map from Geoscience Australia MapConnect 250K topo base:

Lake Road Bungendore -
Geology: Ordovician rocks of the Pittman Formation [450MY] make up the Lake George Range & escarpment. Recent sands, gravels & soil make up the flat bed of Lake George and the surrounding plain. This is a mini version of Africa's Rift Valley!
Walklog1:Walked with Reg Sewrey. Parked in the Bungendore Showground, north of the township on Mathews Lane, then walked up to the start of Lake Road. [40 minute drive from Evatt].
An easy flat walk along Lake Road which follows the Lake George escarpment north along the edge of the dried lake bed. Area to the north of Bungendore near the road was proposed as a site for the national capital.

Typical view along Lake Road.

Plenty of shade in the morning. The wooded escarpment towers 100m high on the west, contrasting with the flat lake bed on the east. A ribbon of properties extends along the west side of the road. The gravel road is in excellent condition and perfect for walking. It is a no through road [though not marked as such at the start of the road!!!] and so carries local traffic only. The public road ends at the gates of Silver Wattle [55 717837E, 6108025N]. Apparently Gearys Gap, about 5km further north, can be reached by walking along the shoreline of the lake.
Country looked dry; small numbers of sheep, cattle, horses & alpacas. Kangaroos evident. Large eagle soaring along hills. Wind turbines busy on the eastern shore of the lake.
Alpacas with old & new wind power behind.

Typical landscape, flat soils & gravels in foreground. Smiths Gap in the Lake George Range in the background.
I wore new Hi Tec Natal boots. Very comfortable. Some red soreness around ankles and lower leg next day. No blisters.
Historic aspects:
Lake George and its environs have a fascinating history. I have been living in Canberra over 40 years and can remember when the waters of the lake were lapping at the Federal Highway. Area to the north of Bungendore near the road was proposed as a site for the national capital in 1903.

Extract from NSW parish map 1963. Parish of Lake George, County of Murray. [Credit to NSW Lands Spatial Information eXchange. PIXel]

The map shows the northern part of Lake Road running north south. A string of small blocks line the western side of the road adjacent to the escarpment while larger blocks subdivide the dry bed of the lake to the east. The heavy blue line at the top [north] of the map is the boundary of Yarrowlumla shire. This is where, and perhaps why, Lake Road ends. To the north of Yarrolumla shire is Gundaroo shire.
The line of a drainage and reclamation channel notified in 1931 can be seen running across the lake bed. Smalley trig station [870m] indicates the top of the range. The Silver Wattle Trig Station does not seem to exist any more.

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia